Today is my granny's 96 birthday. And let me tell you she still lives at her house with the help from my mom. She is a proud great great grandmother. There are 5 generations of us.
She still likes to do things around the house, like this morning why my mom was asleep she got up and swept and moped the kitchen. She can still cook a great pot of pintos, and chicken casserole. And her most fav thing...... Watching the Atlanta Braves. She has been a fan for years.
This picture is of her and her great great grandson Gavyn. I never thought when I was a little one swinging on this swing with her that one day my grandson would be on the same swing with her. How awesome is that!!
gan good job, this article is very interesting to note, cool deh,, of course we have new insights that we get after reading it, thanx yah :-)
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